Shane M. Canfield

Currently: Software Engineer at RNWBL

Hello! I am a Software Engineer working at RNWBL to help empower the future of renewable energy infrastructure. I graduated from from Washington University in St. Louis with a BS/MS in Computer Science with a Certificate in Engineering Management and a BS in Biochemistry from Kenyon College where I wrote my senior review capstone on computational photochemistry of vision.

About Me


BS/MS Computer Science - Washington University in St. Louis
Certificate in Engineering Management

Aug 2020 - Dec 2022

  • Computer Architecture I
  • Engineering Management & Financial Intelligence
  • Project Planning Methodologies
  • Emerging Issues and Technology in Cybersecurity
  • Parallel and Concurrent Programming
  • Data Mining
  • Mobile Application Development
  • Algorithms for Nonlinear Optimization
  • Introduction to Data Science
  • Analysis of Algorithms
  • Algorithms for Computational Biology
  • Rapid Prototype Development and Creative Programming
  • Objected-Oriented Programming Lab
  • Intro to Artificial Intelligence
  • Web Development
  • Introduction to Computer Security
  • Technical Writing

BS Biochemistry - Kenyon College

Aug 2016 - May 2020

  • Computational Chemistry
  • Algorithms and Data Structures
  • Systems and Software Development
  • Artificial Intelligence for the Humanities
Digital Kenyon Publications


Work Experience

Software Engineer

February 2023 - Present

BI Software Engineer Intern

July 2021 - December 2022

Personal Projects

Senior Capstone - Advancing Computational Exploration into the Photochemistry of Vision - Kenyon College (PDF)

  • When light hits 11-cis-retinal (PSB11), the molecule becomes excited and isomerizes into the all-trans-retinal (PSBT), influenced by both electrostatic and steric effects. The photoisomerization reaction dynamics have been increasingly investigated with computational models like CASSCF, CASPT2, QM/MM, AMBER, and many more. This review examines methods proposed by recent computational and experimental investigations of opsin proteins that explore steric and electrostatic manipulations of RPSB and the binding pocket for advanced QM/MM simulations.

MERN Encrypted Messaging Application

  • Built an ecrpyted messaging application using the MERN (MongoDB, Express, React, Node.js) stack. Messages are encryped with AES256 before stored in the MongoDB, insuring user privacy.

Computational Chemistry Research - Dr. John Payton PhD

  • Investigated novel computational research into light-activated biomolecular systems with Visiting Professor Dr. John Payton Ph.D. During this research, I used quantum chemistry software packages like Avogadro, Gaussian, and OpenMolcas, and wrote Python scripts to organize my virtual working environment and rapidly submit calculations to the cloud.

Social Media Application

  • Built the front and back-end of a social media application that can store user information within SQL databases and use PHP to dynamically generate content.

Mount Vernon Archival Database (MVAD)

  • For a community outreach project, our team constructed an archival database to access old records that cannot be transferred to a new system and managed weekly meetings with clients.


  • An application built on Flask and Django that visualizes funding information for congressional candidates running for re-election in the next term. Congress member data is collected using ProPublica and OpenSecrets APIs.


Prediction of Protein Complex Structure Using Surface-Induced Dissociation and Cryo-Electron Microscopy - May 2021

In a previous study, it was demonstrated that the scoring of structures generated from protein–protein docking could be improved with the inclusion of SID data; however, this work relied on knowledge of the correct tertiary structure and only built full complexes for a few cases. Here, we performed docking using input structures that require less prior knowledge, using homology models, unbound crystal structures, and bound+perturbed crystal structures. This lead to more accurately predicted tertiary structures.

Published in Analytical Chemistry

Kenyon Summer Science Scholars Rise Science Fellowship - April 2018

Designed to fund off-campus research opportunities for students who already have research experience. With support from the Sherman Fairchild Foundation, funds will be given to support student research at qualified universities and other research institutions.

Ohio State University Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE) - March 2018

The Ohio State University's Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, and the Five Colleges of Ohio, Inc. sponsored paid summer research internships in either chemistry or biochemistry from May through June of 2018. The 10-week program allowed students at The College of Wooster, Denison University, Kenyon College, Oberlin College, and Ohio Wesleyan University to work with Ohio State University faculty members.

Contact me

Feel free to contact me at for software development related employment inquries.